If you take a poll of genuine academics with proven credentials in substantive disciplines where there is still much genuine engagement with fact to get at truth – I am speaking not only of the empirical sciences and mathematics, but of many or most History, Philosophy, Languages and Law departments, and even of some English Literature departments – asking them what they regard as the most flaky, doctrine-driven, truthophobic, quack disciplines on the campuses, the answer would be near unanimous – Women’s Studies, Social Work (at the level of theory), Sociology, Psychology, and Education (at the level of theory). Although there are aspects of the last four of these five campus disciplines, or pseudo-disciplines, which, sometimes and in some places, can be inoffensive to authentic humanity and even illuminating of truth, in practice all five are almost everywhere rooted in poisonous dogmatics regarding man in his individual and social nature which makes them overwhelmingly toxic. Indeed, a predominant feature of them is a denial that there is any immutable human nature, unchangeable by social engineering, or anything sacrosanct about any aspect of human life.


They are Orc-disciplines, which like Tolkien’s Orcs are ugly parodies of healthy entities of which they are perverted distant descendants. They profess to teach scientific truth about humanity, but in reality they are simultaneously sub-humanities and pseudo-sciences. Typically, they offer pseudo-knowledge, comfortable jobs, infinite arrogance, and above all power over others even to the most ungifted and lazy-minded of students, which is undoubtedly the main reason for their persisting popularity.


Yet what university disciplines wield the greatest influence in Western society – in the universities themselves insofar as they impart or impose attitudes and values; in the media; in the law courts and court bureaucracies (especially family law); in schools; in government social welfare, adoption, education, health and foreign aid departments, and so on? The answer is these same sub-humanities. Worst of all, in practice many politicians, not only Orwellian left-liberals but many slack conservatives, and many church leaders, find it convenient to treat the apparatchiks of the sub-humanities with the respect and reverence they demand, giving them and the cults to which they belong – most notably the feminist cult – power which is not only bureaucratic but hieratic. “Hieratic” derives from the Greek word for priest, hierus, and when politicians or church leaders grant a sub-humanities cult hieratic power (always, of course, without telling the public, let alone inviting public debate), they give it the “right” to guide them and to guide society; to design laws and regulations to advance the cult agendas; and to exercise bureaucratic control ruthlessly.


This is a theme on which there is much, much more to be said, and on which I expect to be saying more.