Some of you might have seen the headlines: Spain is in a terrible mess. “La Crisis” is the combined effort of the masters of usury, incompetent “leaders,” corrupt officials and the (so-called) European Union.

It’s all coming home to roost and nobody knows what to do. Yes, it’s financial, political, and administrative, but those are merely the visible symptoms of the disease. The root of it all, of course, is that the representatives of banking and government lost their moral compass a long time ago. Unemployment is extremely high, while the values of politicians have sunk very, very low.

What will happen in the next month or two is hard to say… never mind a year.

As for me, I hope that “La Crisis” makes Spain revalue what it has been doing for decades. Although I must confess that I see no signs of it at the moment, I pray that the Spanish will turn to the Faith.

The Inner Life is the only pillar that holds up when the rest starts falling apart. The only thing that will stop the rot. Will “La Crisis” bring that message home?

“Seek ye first the Kingdom Of God…”