I’ve been hired to rewrite the above ad to reflect a greater theological accuracy.

“Sadly, many of our beloved senior customers have gone to heaven.  Or possibly to hell.  Old Lady Bernice – yeah, she’s in hell.  Purgatory for some, I imagine – though von Balthazar would suggest that there is the outside shot that all of them are in fact in heaven; personally, I knew these women well and old Hans can Ur my Von Balthazar, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, we need some new angels to fill our chairs.  Not angels, per se, who don’t have hair – at least not physical hair (after all, how many angels can dance on the end of a hairpin? ha ha – but I digress); but moral angels, by which I mean people of good behavior who tip me well.  In brief, we need new customers.  OK?”