There has been an article most recently in the Journal of Medical Ethics in defense of infanticide. The editor of the Journal has defended the publication of the article. Details here:

When I told my wife about the thesis of the two authors, one a philosopher and the other an ethicist, she said:

They make Moloch look good.


I thought about it. When the devotees of Moloch offered their offspring to the flames, presumably it was because an overwhelming anxiety had caused them to offer their most precious possessions, their children, to a demon impersonating a god.


But when contemporary 21st century “ethicists” approve of offering new born infants to the fatal needle and the dumpster, they consider it a form of trash disposal.


“Where are we going? Into what darkness are we wandering?” Did Nietzsche write something like that, long ago, just before Europe wandered into a poisonous fog of barbarity? The Superman has become Saturn, and he devours his own children.


“Man has forgotten God,” said Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He might have added: In his emptiness he tears himself to pieces.