Following Joseph Pearce’s brilliant announcement about the Italian editions of distributist classics like G.K. Chesterton’s The Outline of Sanity and What’s Wrong with the World, I thought perhaps I could add some existing foreign-language editions of classic distributist works, including the French version of Joseph’s Small Is Still Beautiful.

Hilaire Belloc

Spanish edition of The Servile State

El Estado Servil

G.K. Chesterton

Spanish edition of The Outline of Sanity

Los límites de la cordura 

Spanish edition of What’s Wrong with the World

Lo que está mal en el mundo

French edition of Utopia of Usurers

Utopie des usuriers

For a review in French, click here.

French edition of What’s Wrong with the World

Le Monde comme il ne va pas

French edition of The Outline of Sanity

Plaidoyer pour une propriété anticapitaliste

Joseph Pearce

French edition of Small Is Still Beautiful

Small is-toujours-beautiful

For a review of Joseph’s book in French, click here.

A Spanish language translation of Matthew P. Aker’s popular “Distributism in the Shire,” originally published in StAR, will be forthcoming right here on the Ink Desk.