The Sun of Justice (An Essay on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church) by Harold Robbins (1888-1954) is a classic Distributist text. Robbins, Chairman of the Birmingham branch of the Distributist League and editor for Cross and the Plough, the official organ of the Catholic Land Federation, wrote what Catholic Worker founder Dorothy Day described as, “the best thinking ever done on Distributism.” Using the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, Leo XIII’s encyclicals, and other authoritative sources, Robbins lends his pen with the goal of demonstrating just how crucial social justice is for the future of the faith, the family, self-sufficiency, and to help us understand the proper role of our public institutions.

This Kindle edition, edited by Joshua Wilson, is a steal at $2.99.

The Workingman’s Guilds of the Middle Ages by Dr. Godefroid Kurth is our second book recommendation for the week. Published by Loreto Publications ($6.95), Kurth’s 64-page book covers the functioning guild from apprentice to journeyman, from guilds in society to the operation of workshops and the management of production. The book ends with an exciting chapter on the revival of guilds.