My good friend Christopher Check of Catholic Answers has sent a link to a five minute press release by the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles in Missouri. I recommend that you take five minutes from the busy schedule of your day to watch this short and uplifting video, which promotes a new CD of chant for Advent by the sisters. You will be edified and inspired, not least by the sight of a Benedictine Prioress who looks as though she should still be in college! These new communities of young and vibrant religious sisters are the fruits of a genuine Catholic revival. The dark ages may now be upon us (have they ever not been in this vale of tears) but these young Benedictines continue to carry the light and love of civilization.
Here’s Christopher Check’s e-mail with the link:  
My Friends–

I visited the Priory of Ephesus on the Missouri plains one year ago. Just last Monday I had the good fortune to return, this time with Alexander, to give two talks to these magnificent Benedictine Nuns.

If you want to know who is holding back the Gates of Hell, it is these young sisters (average age of 27), sewing the most beautiful vestments in America, tending their cattle, harvesting their gardens and orchards, and above all, chanting day-in-and-day the ancient office of Holy Mother Church.

There is great news: The Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles have recorded an Advent CD on the Decca label. Please watch this brief video and join me in my joy that their angelic voices will soon be touching and inspiring countless of the Faithful.

If you do decide to purchase the CD, please do so directly from their website. The Priory receives a better percentage from CDs sold though their website.

Pax et Bonum.
