
About Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce is a Catholic author and biographer who has written about subjects as various as GK Chesterton, economics, and Shakespeare.

Wise Men Follow the StAR


Joseph Pearce, editor of the St. Austin Review, offers a sneak preview of the highlights of the new issue... Wise Men Follow the StAR - Joseph Pearce

Wise Men Follow the StAR2025-01-12T00:26:22-06:00

Tradition and Literature


Joseph Pearce in conversation with Rafael Pi Roman on Catholic literature and Catholic tradition...  Tradition and Literary Catholicism - Joseph Pearce

Tradition and Literature2025-01-12T00:25:09-06:00

Owen the Unknown


Celebrating a Saint Nicholas who is not as well known and he should be... Owen the Unknown - Joseph Pearce

Owen the Unknown2025-01-12T00:24:45-06:00

Two Great Poets and Three Wise Men


Following the way that poets and wise men have trod that leads to the Mother of God. Perhaps if we travel with them, we might also come to Bethlehem… Two Great Poets and Three Wise Men - Joseph Pearce

Two Great Poets and Three Wise Men2025-01-12T00:19:40-06:00

A Crusader Goes Home


Joan of Arc.*oil on panel.*52.7 x 45.7 cm.*signed t.r.: 1882   Paying homage to a heroine who fought the good fight with courage and conviction... A Crusader Goes Home - Joseph Pearce

A Crusader Goes Home2025-01-06T17:09:32-06:00
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