These are difficult days to be an Englishman, and difficult days to be a monarchist. I am deeply indebted and deeply committed to my English heritage, though ashamed of the secular cesspit and hedonist hell that modern England has become. I am a monarchist, though as a dyed-in-the-wall Jacobite who believes that the True King of England (James II) was exiled more than three hundred years ago, I have mixed feelings about the present royal family, who are descended from the usurper, William of Orange, and not from the True King in Exile. For me, as for J. R. R. Tolkien, the present royal family are like the stewards of Minas Tirith, keeping the throne warm until the Return of the King. And yet I’d rather have a steward on the throne than a secular president of a secular republic. I thank God that we have a queen as head of state, albeit the descendent of a usurper, than a President Blair, or a President Cameron. Indeed, the present queen’s stoic if too passive devotion of her life to the duties of her position demands admiration and respect. This cannot be said of too many members of her family, who have disgraced their mother and their motherland in their sacrifice of duty on the altar of self-gratification. How refreshing, therefore, that the queen’s cousin, Lord Nicholas Windsor, is taking a stand against the culture of death, defending the life of unborn children from the bloody ambitions of the abortion industry. A convert to Catholicism, Lord Nicholas’ impassioned defence of human life was published on the front page of last Friday’s Daily Telegraph in England. Here are the links: