I’m excited to learn of a new publishing initiative by the doggedly indefatigable Stratford Caldecott, who has long been a light of hope and humility in the darkness of horror and hubris that has engulfed England. Here’s Stratford’s announcement of his new journal:


Just to let you know we have launched a new online publication, called HUMANUM, for the John Paul II Institute. Do take a look, spread the word, and link to it if you wish. (Let me know if the Press Release doesn’t attach properly, or if you want more information.)

Humanum is all about “the human”: what makes us human, what keeps us human, and how to rescue our humanity when this is endangered. Our aim is to pick our way with discernment through the flood of publications (some good, some confused, some pernicious) that claim to tell us about ourselves, about family, marriage, love, children, health, and human life. The journal has a particular concern with issues that directly affect the poor and the vulnerable in our society. Each issue will have a main theme around which the book reviews and articles cluster, and we begin with an issue on THE CHILD, because this reveals the foundation of our perspective on humanity.

Stratford Caldecott, editor

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