What are we to make of it when the Catholic Governor of New York wants his state to pass the most permissive, most life-unfriendly abortion law in the country?

Here are the details:


If the law were passed there would be virtually no restrictions on abortion. Catholic hospitals and physicians would in effect be put out of business if they insisted on following their consciences and the teachings of their Church.

I’m not a resident of New York State, so I have no direct input on politics there. But I am a Catholic, and what is most astonishing to me is the open scandal of a self-identified prominent Catholic who publicly betrays the fundamental human right to life.

The scandal is this: Governor Cuomo becomes a deceptive, false example of the Catholic position on abortion. Both Catholics and non-Catholics can point to the Governor as demonstrating that not all Catholics oppose the pro-abortion movement, but that many do oppose the pro-life movement, their bishops, and their own Church.

A friend and well-known Catholic journalist wrote this to me today:

“Of course the Church has to fight this through to the end. But when the matter is resolved, and however it is resolved, I wonder if the integrity of the Church doesn’t require that the bishops of the state simply say that Gov. Cuomo has placed himself outside the ecclesial community. I am not in favor of excommunication as a general rule, but this is really flagrant and not to say what I just said is to accept it as allowable behavior. But it is important to make the point that Cuomo has done it to himself–though I doubt that he cares.”

I have no idea whether or not Governor Cuomo would care if he were placed outside the ecclesial community. But his bishop should care if he has placed himself outside of it.