I’ve been travelling for the past several days (hence my absence from the Ink Desk) but have kept a watchful eye on the reaction to my post on the “slimey limeys” who were responsible for the recent Olympics closing ceremony. I’m not sure that any single post in the Ink Desk’s commedable history of controversy has matched the number of comments that my post prompted and in some cases provoked.


I was particularly gratified to receive a note of support from StAR columnist, John Beaumont, who lives in the north of England. He sent me the comments about the opening ceremony that he had sent a friend. Without further ado, here is John’s judgment:


I have an announcement to make. It would seem that I’m the only person in Britain who thought the Olympics opening ceremony was awful. Nevertheless it was awful. It’s interesting though that although the media loved it, I see that many ordinary people on the blogs did have reservations. But I’ve not seen a direct attack on it.  It started very pleasantly with traditional songs from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. All somewhat rural and green.

Then immediately we went to the Industrial Revolution and a whole series of Victorian entrepreneurs gloating whilst a horrific scene of factories and smoke developed. After that we had the Sixties represented in sweetness and light by people dressed up as the Beatles, plus a tableau of people coming to Britain from the ex-Empire. Then a dance scene implying that our National Health Service is one of the wonders of the world (when it’s actually a disaster area). Then we had a rock band, the Arctic Monkees (are they a British icon, then?) playing a tuneless chaos. This was followed by an appalling out of tune Paul McCartney (referred to by one of the newspapers as “dame Paul McCartney”)! The whole thing was a chorus of praise for left wing politics and political correctness – the latter was also mirrored by the choice of people for various tasks, such as carrying the Olympic flag (this included the dreadful Shami Chakrabati, founder of “Liberty” an organization which is about as close to true liberty as Joseph Stalin was). I should also mention the unfunny sketch featuring the actor who plays “Mr. Bean”.

But the bit that beggared belief was the sketch involving the Queen and James Bond in which the former was made as if to appear to jump out of a helicopter above the stadium and parachute into the stadium. I had to rub my eyes at this point to make sure it was actually happening. Who on earth advised the Queen on this one wants sending to the Tower!

Of course the pyrotechnics were brilliant. But the full impression was that the British are a bunch of idiots. Maybe we are at last getting our just deserts for all those years of piracy!

But as a Catholic I wondered where British history had gone. What happened to the 1,500 years, anno domini, of the country known as the Dowry of Mary?  Not that I’m naïve enough to think that the powers that be would include any of that. And of course the whole thing was completely secular throughout.  Needless to say there was not a word about the Empire (not that I’m defending all it got up to).

There was one quotation from Shakespeare, but it was out of what the context should have been, but twisted so as to be capable of supporting the overall socialist theme. Chaucer, Milton, Dickens, Churchill, Nelson, Wellington? No chance.

Goodbye fair Albion.