I’ve just been forwarded a letter that the principal of St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Greenville, South Carolina, has sent to all parents of students at his school. It shows the true spirit of the Church Militant in the ongoing war with the culture of death. Read on and be prepared to be edified:

Dear Parents,

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

As we continue to prepare for the start of the school year.  I would like to take a moment to address our current bottling and vending relationships.  It was brought to our attention this summer that PepsiCo was funding research and development and paying royalties to Senomyx, a company which uses HEK-293 (aborted human embryonic kidney cells) to produce flavor enhancers for Pepsi beverages.  St. Joseph’s along with other institutions and Pro-Life Groups have made the decision to sever our ties and boycott Pepsi beverages.  The use of aborted fetal cells is appalling and completely against the beliefs and mission of St. Joe’s and the Catholic Church.

The independent bottling company that we have had a relationship with for nearly a decade is not owned and operated by PepsiCo.   They are one of the few independent bottlers left in the nation.  Since their sales of non-PepsiCo products in no way benefits PepsiCo, we have decided to maintain our relationship with the local, independent bottling company.

Over the last few weeks, they have been working with us to remove all Pepsi products, logos, and signage from our campus. Simultaneously, we are currently in the process of securing new products and price lists for concessions, the school store, and vending machine options.   Therefore, we will be introducing new carbonated beverages, sports drinks, and juices to replace the PepsiCo beverages for our students, faculty and staff.  This seems a small sacrifice to make in order for the school not to contribute to the financial bottom line of a company that utilizes aborted human embryonic cells in order to produce better tasting products.

I have attached links to current articles addressing the situation.




Keith F. Kiser
