I am excited by the prospect of a tradition oriented Catholic liberal arts college in England. Such a college, if its launch is successful, will serve as an oasis of truth in the midst of a secular fundamentalist desert. Here are the details:
The first Benedictus Newsletter
The success of this initiative depends on your help and that of many individuals so please pass this on to any of your contacts to whom it may be of interest. We are hoping this newsletter will raise awareness of this project as well as raise funds.
Our website, recently re-designed, can be seen at www.benedictus.org.uk


Best wishes from the founders and trustees of Benedictus. 


Franz Forrester
Clare Hornsby

 Benedictus Trust. Registered Office: 84 Cambridge Street, London SW1V 4QQ. Telephone 0207 976 6072

Registered in England & Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee, no. 7704119.

Registered charity no. (England & Wales) 1145487