I hate to beat a dead horse, because I hate people who beat dead horses.  (Yes, I realize that’s a lot of hate for one sentence.  Lent is almost over, right???)  So I feel it is incumbent upon me to mention, before the jump, that for anyone who got tired of the Merits of Philosophy … well, this post is more about the Merits of Philosophy.  But it’s also a link to a factual, statistical study by a real live philosopher, so you might want to check it out anyway …

For it seems that Philosophy is not only a road to truth and wisdom, but also a path to becoming smarter.  No kidding!  Or maybe we Philosophy folks are just smarter to begin with?  Read and consider.

In the interests of full disclosure, I must note, however, that while my undergrad is in Philosophy, I’ve always been an English major at heart.  Which still makes me sound smart, apparently, as long as I don’t have to balance the checkbook at the end of the month.

What was truly frightening about Law’s graph, however, is the fact that Public Administration majors do so poorly (only Social Work led to a lower overall score).  These are the people we hire to run our government?  Oy vey and aye yai yai!