Alice von Hildebrand, wife of the late Catholic philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand and a formidable philosopher in her own right, was born on this day in 1923. I have been blessed to know this wonderful lady for several years. As editor-in-chief of Sapientia Press, I was honoured to publish her marvellous book, The Privilege of Being a Woman, which is Sapientia’s bestselling title ever. I’ve also met her on several occasions and am in awe at the sharpness of her mind. Although she is a great admirer of my own books, she perceives their flaws with incisive perception. Considering her reputation, I am humbled that she should have had the time or inclination to have read my own work, let alone that she should have done so with such care and attention. It is truly a privilege to know such a woman. Happy Birthday Dr. von Hilderbrand.