One of my passions and one of the principal motivations for all that I do is a desire to promote a new literary revival in our own time, and especially the encouraging of a revival which is distinctly Catholic.
With this in mind, I’m happy to spread word about a great literary journal, The Lost Country, which was started in 2002, only a year after the St. Austin Review was launched. While not explicitly a “Catholic literary journal”, the journal is Catholic in the manner of Justin the Martyr: “All truth belongs to us Christians”. It is, however, implicitly Catholic insofar as all staff and advisors of The Lost Country are Catholics, all of whom were part of the College of St. Thomas More in Fort Worth (of happy memory!) in some way or another. One of the supporters of the journal is Dr. James Patrick, founder of the College of St. Thomas More, for whom The Lost Country‘s fiction prize is named.
I am happy to share the journal’s Call for Submissions for poetry, fiction, critical essays, translations, & book reviews. All details can be found at this link: