Until fairly recently faithful Catholics were justifiably despondent about the lack of leadership from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. It seemed that the leadership of the Church in the United States was either weak (at best) or heretical (at worst). Now, however, and thanks be to God, we have a new generation of faithful and orthodox bishops who seem to have the courage of their convictions. The latest new appointment is Bishop James D. Conley as the new Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska. 
A few years ago, my wife and I had the honour of meeting Monsignor Conley (as he was then) during a visit to Rome. He struck me then as a kindred spirit who shared my love for the great figures of the Cathollic literary revival. He also had a great and healthy sense of humour! Ever since then I have watched his progress with a deep and growing sense of joy.
Here’s a link to an interview with Bishop Conley, which he gave immediately after his appointment to the Diocese of Lincoln: