
About abigailreimel

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So far abigailreimel has created 11 blog entries.

Sex, Drugs, and Country?


If asked to describe my musical tastes, I would proudly reply that I listen to a wide variety of music- everything from classical to hard rock- but never any country.  Up until a week ago, I could look anyone in the eye and say with complete honesty that in the over 1000 songs on my iPod, [...]

Sex, Drugs, and Country?2013-07-09T01:42:55-05:00

TORn: A Site all Tolkien Fans Should Frequent


Just wanted to share a link that should have been shared a long time ago!www.theonering.net (referred to as TORn by its fans) is a site which originated when Hobbit movie rumors did, many years before the movie actually materialized, and has been posting about all things Tolkien ever since. They not only provide the best movie [...]

TORn: A Site all Tolkien Fans Should Frequent2013-03-28T19:03:24-05:00

I Should Have Been Dead a Long Time Ago


If I could, I would subtitle this “Reflections on Providence: Robinson Crusoe Style”. Robinson Crusoe is the classic tale of a reckless young man who finds himself shipwrecked and trapped on a deserted island, alone with rescued provisions, strange animals, and trouble thoughts. And though I haven’t exactly been enjoying reading it, the life lessons which [...]

I Should Have Been Dead a Long Time Ago2012-12-19T17:33:23-06:00

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


Two nights ago, my Dad, brother, and I hopped into the car and drove half an hour to see a movie that I had been anticipating for about seven years. Hopes were high, though not irrationally so— having seen the Lord of the Rings films various times, I knew basically what to expect. The classic tale, [...]

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey2012-12-17T19:29:00-06:00



Sometimes one man’s calling requires that he be different than all the rest; that in following it he must go down paths where none may follow.  It is not easy for him, and he must face many hardships alone.  The rest of the world looks at him and can tell he is different, but they do [...]


“How Do You Feel About the Ocean?”


“How do you feel about the ocean?” a friend of mine asked me abruptly while traveling home in the car.  After giving a somewhat vague response, I was asked to elaborate.  I then spoke of my love for the ocean, made a Tolkien reference, and ended by saying that I’ve grown up around it my whole [...]

“How Do You Feel About the Ocean?”2012-06-27T14:19:26-05:00

Appreciating Tolkien through Hopkins


I started writing poetry the same year I read Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for the first time.  It all began with a class assignment.  My sixth grade teacher took the class outside during our study of poetry and told all of us to spread out, sit quietly, and let our surroundings inspire us.  I remember [...]

Appreciating Tolkien through Hopkins2012-05-29T16:31:22-05:00

The Death of Bookstores


Nook. Kindle. E-reader. These electronic devices go by many names, but they all serve the same purpose: to take yet another piece of this beautiful world and turn it into an electronic. Do not get me wrong, this article does not intend to condemn all electronics—or even to say that these e-readers do not have any [...]

The Death of Bookstores2012-03-14T14:18:14-05:00

The Importance of Fantasy


During this modern age it may seem like one’s time would be wasted reading tales of elves, dwarves, and dragons. Why would such smart, technically advanced people want to waste their lives on such things? Aren’t these imaginative tales of good versus evil children’s novels, to be outgrown like the crib and the rocking horse? A [...]

The Importance of Fantasy2012-01-06T22:21:48-06:00

I Pledge Allegiance …


Every morning, my family and I stand in our foyer and say the Pledge of Allegiance before hanging the American Flag out on the front porch. When I was younger, I used to take great pride in this pledge. With a child’s faith, I believed that America was the best country in the nation. And then [...]

I Pledge Allegiance …2011-10-09T00:35:34-05:00
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