Avellina Balestri

About Avellina Balestri

Avellina Balestri (aka Rosaria Marie) is a founding member and Editor-in-Chief of The Fellowship of the King, a Catholic literary magazine merging faith and the liberal arts (which is currently open to submissions). In addition to reading and writing extensively on matters of history, spirituality, and culture, she is also a recording artist, singing traditional folk songs and her own compositions as well as playing the penny whistle and bodhran drum. In all her endeavors, she draws her inspiration from the Ultimate Love and Source of Creativity, and hopes to share that love and creativity with others.

The Stories That Matter: Teaching History with Catholic Principles


My earliest memories are hinged upon the love of stories. In time, I discovered that the same story-driven essence present in tales that enraptured me as a child was the undergirding of history, and it drew me in through my Seton Home Study programs. I owe them a life-time debt of gratitude for introducing me more [...]

The Stories That Matter: Teaching History with Catholic Principles2016-04-24T04:38:49-05:00

Our Love Must Make Us Strong: The Music of Loreena McKennitt


It all started one Christmas as I rummaged through the CD racks at the library, in search of Christmas music different than the usual run-of-the-mill. I had several gigs lined up for the season, and planned on singing “Coventry Carol”, so when I stumbled across a CD called “A Midwinter Night’s Dream” that included it in [...]

Our Love Must Make Us Strong: The Music of Loreena McKennitt2016-05-21T04:04:46-05:00

Come, My Love: An Analysis of Thomas Merton’s Mystical Poem “Pass Through My Will”


Thomas Merton’s poem “Pass through My Will” takes the reader on a deeply mystical journey through layers upon layers of spiritual significance. At the same time, it captures the simplicity of a folk song and the heart-felt purity of a romantic ballad. The musical accompaniment by John Michael Talbot broadens its beauty even further and makes [...]

Come, My Love: An Analysis of Thomas Merton’s Mystical Poem “Pass Through My Will”2016-04-02T04:12:25-05:00

The True Myth: Easter As the Greatest Story Ever Told


Human beings have always been story-tellers. Since the earliest days, we have striven to express our new-found ability to understand reality and interact more fully with the world around us. We alone among Creation were given that sublime combination of intelligence and emotions to enable us to seek out the truth and knowingly revel in it. [...]

The True Myth: Easter As the Greatest Story Ever Told2016-04-02T19:05:11-05:00
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