
About Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce is a Catholic author and biographer who has written about subjects as various as GK Chesterton, economics, and Shakespeare.

Join Joseph Pearce at the Chesterton Conference


Joseph Pearce will be one of a host of speakers that this year's Chesterton Conference, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the great man's birth... Join Me at This Year's Chesterton Conference - Joseph Pearce (

Join Joseph Pearce at the Chesterton Conference2024-06-03T14:22:49-05:00

Science on the Threshold of God


Joseph Pearce, Father Fessio and Vivian Dudro discuss the ways that science and reason point to God... Science on the Threshold of God - Joseph Pearce (

Science on the Threshold of God2024-06-03T14:20:14-05:00

How Catholic is The Lord of the Rings?


As Peter Jackson's film adaptation of Tolkien's epic returns to movie theatres, Joseph Pearce looks at the Catholic dimension of The Lord of the Rings... How Catholic is The Lord of the Rings? - Joseph Pearce (

How Catholic is The Lord of the Rings?2024-06-03T14:13:43-05:00

Chesterton and Corpus Christi


Joseph Pearce on Chesterton's love for the Eucharist and the feast of Corpus Christi... Chesterton and Corpus Christi - Joseph Pearce (

Chesterton and Corpus Christi2024-06-03T14:12:23-05:00

Chesterton and Corpus Christi


Joseph Pearce on Chesterton's love for the Eucharist and the feast of Corpus Christi... Chesterton and Corpus Christi - Joseph Pearce (

Chesterton and Corpus Christi2024-06-03T14:09:55-05:00

Celebrating Maurice Baring’s 150th Birthday


Maurice Baring, like his good friend, G. K. Chesterton, was born in 1874. Here's an interview celebrating this great and neglected Catholic novelist...  Celebrating Maurice Baring on His 150th Birthday - Joseph Pearce (

Celebrating Maurice Baring’s 150th Birthday2024-06-03T14:07:38-05:00
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