
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Blank Checks vs. Reality Checks


You would think that if we really were able to get exactly what we wanted, we would be happy.  But that is hardly the case.  Precisely and exactly the opposite is the case. *** On Tuesday I posted about what I consider the primary symptom of life without God - Unreality. In our daily lives Unreality [...]

Blank Checks vs. Reality Checks2013-10-05T03:37:33-05:00

The New Norm: A Generation Raised on Porn


WARNING: I get a bit graphic here, and it's an adult topic meant for some adult readers. I am writing about the biggest change in our culture since the pill, and I'm pulling no punches.  This article is not for everybody. *** There is a New Norm, and we're not even seeing it.  The New Norm [...]

The New Norm: A Generation Raised on Porn2013-09-29T22:39:44-05:00

Reality TV and Unreality Life


I now have five favorite TV shows, four of which are Reality TV. Phineas and Ferb is the only one among my favorites (from what I can gather) that is NOT a reality show.  At least I don't think so.  It seems quite plausible that Phineas and Ferb is non-fiction, except the secret agent platypus is [...]

Reality TV and Unreality Life2013-09-28T00:05:38-05:00

From the Nation that Gave us the Enlightenment


Ringo is the Best Beatle. I am the only one who thinks so, but he clearly is. Why, then, is he only honored by a nation that worships Jerry Lewis? From BBC America ... *** Popular Artist Ringo Starr Receives French Medal of Honor By Fraser McAlpine | Posted on September 25th, 2013 Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach in [...]

From the Nation that Gave us the Enlightenment2013-09-27T01:35:28-05:00

The Christian Context


C. S. Lewis says somewhere that we can't begin evangelizing our neighbors by trying to convince them to stop fornicating.  Fornication is so enjoyable, so natural, and so normal for them that they'd reject the Gospel outright if it began with a prohibition against such an apparently innocent pleasure. This is what Pope Francis is saying, [...]

The Christian Context2013-09-23T20:54:39-05:00

Reflections Upon a Mirror


On our car ride home yesterday, actress Maria Romine had a lot to say about the "mirror" image from the Epistle of James (the first quotation below).  I have included two more quotations to round things out, as well as some "Reflections upon the Mirror" ... But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, [...]

Reflections Upon a Mirror2013-09-23T05:30:08-05:00

What the Church Is (Illustrated)


The Church is the Body of Christ.  It is people, members of the Body, living together, loving one another, sharing the great vision, a perspective that includes all of reality.  It is a living culture, a vital thing. The Church is Fargo, North Dakota. Who would have expected that?  The Church of St. Anne & Joachim, [...]

What the Church Is (Illustrated)2013-09-23T05:29:55-05:00

The God of the Selfish


In a seminar once, someone asked C. G. Jung about the meaning of life.  "Isn't love the meaning of life?" he was asked. "No!" he replied emphatically.  "The meaning of life is life!" In other words, vitality, exuberance, existence, power.  Success!  (i.e., Moloch, Priapus) Not sacrifice, compassion, caring, surrender.  Failure!  (i.e. the Cross) C. G. Jung [...]

The God of the Selfish2013-09-15T14:57:12-05:00

Mary - Offensive? Embarrassing?


"And blessed is he who does not take offense at Me." - (Mat. 11:6) We were willing, we Episcopalians, to believe that Jesus was an alright guy, that he performed miracles, even that he rose from the dead and was in some sense God.  But we found some of the other things a tad bit embarrassing. [...]

Mary - Offensive? Embarrassing?2013-09-09T09:59:37-05:00

I Found my Thrill After I Left Blueberry Hill


Reader Alice, who is praying our 50 Days of Prayer in preparation for the world-wide consecration to the Immaculate Heart, says something that has made me think. My first consecration (Louis de Monfort) to Mary was one year ago, and I won't even go into what, mostly, a hash I've made of the past year; but I [...]

I Found my Thrill After I Left Blueberry Hill2013-09-01T16:23:44-05:00
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