WARNING: I get a bit graphic here, and it’s an adult topic meant for some adult readers. I am writing about the biggest change in our culture since the pill, and I’m pulling no punches.  This article is not for everybody.


There is a New Norm, and we’re not even seeing it.  The New Norm is a generation raised on porn, and consequently showing symptoms of a kind of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  That sounds like a stretch, but read on …

Here The Witherspoon Institute looks at the correlation between Porn Use and Supporting Same Sex Marriage.

The article concludes (my emphasis) …

In the end, contrary to what we might wish to think, young adult men’s support for redefining marriage may not be entirely the product of ideals about expansive freedoms, rights, liberties, and a noble commitment to fairness. It may be, at least in part, a byproduct of regular exposure to diverse and graphic sex acts.

This relates to my recent post, which is an article in the Mail Online, about how unbelievably depraved sex acts are now the norm to 14-year-olds who have been exposed to them online.

‘Nugget, what’s that?’ asked Jonny.

‘A nugget is a girl who has no arms or legs and has sex in a porno movie,’ chortled one young, pimply boy, to an outburst of embarrassed laughter from some, and outright revulsion from others.

The adults in attendance were incredulous at the thought that not only did this kind of porn exist, but that a 14-year-old boy may have actually watched it. 

My friend Paul Rhodes writes (again, my emphasis) …

You have NO chance of winning the debate by hoping that some innate disgust with buggery will sway people’s minds against “same sex marriage”. 

First, buggery doesn’t disgust most people anymore. The mainstreaming of porn has in fact made buggery attractive. Buggery has lost its power to shock.

And I reply …

What I am just beginning to realize is that, when I said, “Why are we so foolish to think that unrestrained sex will not lead to human misery and depravity?” and a Facebook friend replied, “Well, why would it?” – this is the “new norm”. It is beginning to dawn on me. We realize that the elimination of all gun control and laws against homicide would lead to barbarism; but we can’t see that the elimination of moral laws regarding the weapon all guys “conceal and carry” – the penis – and any social norms prohibiting the harm that unrestrained use of said device and its corollary produces – we can’t see that eliminating such things will obviously and inevitably lead to something even lower than barbarism.  

Honestly, people can no longer see that unrestrained sexuality is extremely dangerous.  It’s not obvious any more.

Recently I’ve been writing about my new favorite show Catfish on MTV.  I wrote about one of the young ladies featured on that series, a girl who is enthusiastically enduring an abusive live-in relationship …

At the age of 15 she was in a residential treatment center for self-abusive behavior (which is typically cutting, burning, self-mutilation). 

She is probably a victim of sexual abuse … and now she tells the other man in her life – a man who actually does love her – that she’s not good enough for him.  She’s staying with the live-in (the jerk) because she doesn’t feel worthy of the good guy.

It is hard to imagine what abuse and neglect can do to a child.  I have known some very intelligent and capable and spiritually sensitive people in my day who were unable to enter into any kind of mature loving relationships because their fathers abandoned their families, their mothers tormented them, or a darker secret like molestation or suicide lurked in the shadows.


Here’s the deal and we don’t want to see it.   Sex is oriented toward the family.  Trivialize one and you trivialize the other.

Culturally speaking, divorce and remarriage pave the way for contraception, and contraception paves the way for pornography.

And pornography is a form of abuse.  It abuses those who produce it and it abuses those who consume it – adults and children both.  And the effects of this abuse are just beginning to be seen the world over, for we now have a generation formed by pornography – you might almost say raised on porn – from their earliest years.

This is a vast change in human behavior and in the molding of human nature, and we are totally ignorant of it.

I know many young actresses, but most are seriously religious.  The few young women I do know who are avowedly secular have the following traits in common.  …

  • Lesbian encounters are considered a necessary rite of passage, whether you are attracted to other women or not.
  • Violations in the bedroom – physically repulsive and abusive sex acts – are considered normal, even those that are most degrading to women.
  • Becoming a mother is the worst thing you can do; it will ruin your figure and your career and it will take away your freedom.
  • Becoming a single mother, however, is sometimes fun because babies are cute (but husbands aren’t) and you can always get state aid to help you raise them.
  • Pornography is fine and dandy.  Even the kind that incites guys to attempt the abusive sex acts described above.
  • The Orgasm is more important than any emotional intimacy.  Sex is about the “O” and nothing else.  Nothing else.  This is why it can be done alone, with a guy, a girl, an object, or any number of participants.  It is an intense physical experience and it entails a kind of power over others.  That’s it.  Physically it’s fun and it gives a rush of power over others; that’s why you do it.  Porn, therefore, is a very accurate depiction of human sexuality.  Real-life sex is just like porn; porn is just like real-life sex.
  • Women are not designed for anything in particular.  They are simply men without penises; and the men who have penises are the enemy.
  • The fathers they have had or known are typically weak or absent – sometimes for several generations in the family.
  • The mothers they have known typically compensate by becoming over-the-top.
  • They think “Gay Marriage” is all about fairness – after all, gay male best friends are a blast; they love to go shopping and talk catty about your girlfriends, so why do anything to make them unhappy?
  • Being sexually promiscuous is OK – but the word “whore” is still used to describe other girls who do this (but never used to describe yourself when you do this).  Sexual promiscuity seems to mean sleeping with anonymous strangers or a string of one-night stands or with guys or gals you barely know – and doing this a lot over a short period of time.  It does not mean having dozens of partners in succession and dumping each and moving on to the next, as long as each sex partner lasts a month or so.  That’s not being promiscuous.
  • Love is over-rated; comfort is where it’s at.  Find somebody you can be comfortable with.  Set the bar low, and settle.  Shack up, or get close in other ways.  But when you become mutually un-usable to one another, move on in a heartbeat and don’t look back.  He’ll do it to you; you do it to him.
  • The meaning of life is use, not love.
In other words, I would venture to say that most secular women under the age of 35 show what used to be symptoms of PTSD – in other words, symptoms of abuse.  Their sexuality has been violently altered, through exposure to a culture raised on porn – to a culture that degrades love in favor of use.

A dysnfunctional family raises young women with these symptoms.  A dysfunctional culture does the same.
And porn is right in the center – as both a cause and an effect of this way of life.
Are all young secular women like this?  Of course not.  But it’s the new norm.