
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Whose Fault Is It that Liberals Don’t Like Chesterton?


Note the things this anonymous blogger says about Dale Ahlquist, president of the American Chesterton Society, and note the dialogue that ensues in the combox.  The only background you need is that this blogger likes Chesterton, but tries to square that with his admiration for and defense of Obama, contraception, Andrew Sullivan and Buddhism.  He's got [...]

Whose Fault Is It that Liberals Don’t Like Chesterton?2012-05-08T15:20:27-05:00

The Germans Invade Missouri


He was a typical Mid-Western suburbanite, a nice guy, a baseball fan.  He had a good sense of humor and a touch of common sense.  I could picture him standing by the grill in his backyard drinking a beer and listening to the radio while his neighbors cut their lawns on a humid summer day.  But there [...]

The Germans Invade Missouri2012-05-07T19:28:24-05:00

Hey! I Found a Sensible Atheist!


My YouTube videos that elicit the most comments are the ones that deal with atheism.  Most of the comments from atheists are not even up to a level that resembles rational thought.  For example, there's this one, which advocates not only genocide but Genocide for Peace: "religionists must be gassed and turned to petroleum immediately. Once we [...]

Hey! I Found a Sensible Atheist!2012-05-07T19:22:23-05:00

Filled with Desire


Andrew Lomas, regular Ink Desk reader, poses some intelligent questions here on issues of Eros and Agape. First, he rightly notes that Eros presents a minefield for mankind and that many who have tried to navigate it have fallen.  He mentions William Blake, D. H. Lawrence and Eric Gill.  One could certainly add Oscar Wilde to that list, not [...]

Filled with Desire2012-05-04T18:22:12-05:00

Love, Shakespeare and Everything In Between


What does love have to do with discipline? What does discipline have to do with purity? What does purity have to do with fruitfulness? What does acting have to do with any of this? Over the past few months, I have been writing about the connection between Eros and God, a connection that Pope Benedict XVI [...]

Love, Shakespeare and Everything In Between2012-05-03T02:32:21-05:00

Everything I Learned about Theology and Economics I Learned from “Cracked”


We live in a world where the most insightful and mature politicital commentary is in Cracked.  Cracked was a humor magazine that premiered in the 1970's.  It was a kind of a Mad Magazine for 14-year-old boys - which is what Mad Magazine was.  But now Cracked seems to exist as a web site that publishes [...]

Everything I Learned about Theology and Economics I Learned from “Cracked”2012-05-02T19:39:52-05:00

Learning Lines and Drawing the Line


  (Above: Actor Mark Shea realizes while putting on make-up, "I forgot to learn my lines!") My actress Maria Romine tells me she's really only learned about Acting since working with me, that the four years she spent at a small private liberal arts college majoring in Acting were a "complete waste of time". One of [...]

Learning Lines and Drawing the Line2012-04-21T14:14:54-05:00

Winter’s Tale to Fairy Tale


(Above: King Leontes at what he believes to be the statue of his dead wife, overwhelmed at the resemblance.) It is generally a good idea for a drama critic to see a play before he critiques it. However, I'm going to be bold enough to say a few things about a play I didn't see. Why? [...]

Winter’s Tale to Fairy Tale2012-04-21T14:11:51-05:00

Subjectivism and the Object


In the same way that our pop culture tells us, in movies and songs, that we should "believe", while quite carefully avoiding the thorny question of "believe what?", so those who are "pro choice" but claim they are not "pro abortion" tell us that a person can "choose" without choosing anything in particular. Thus, a friend [...]

Subjectivism and the Object2012-04-17T20:27:52-05:00

The Best Movie Ever Made


Forget about October Baby, even though I was raving about it. Forget about It's a Wonderful Life, or Gone with the Wind. The best movie ever made is without a doubt the new Three Stooges film. OK, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But this movie could have been really good or really bad. The fact [...]

The Best Movie Ever Made2012-04-16T05:28:33-05:00
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