
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

How Not to Act


Now of we course we all know actors are messed up individuals who desperately desire attention - me included. And we all know every actor wants to be the center of attention and become a big hit on the big screen and be adored by his countless fans - me included. And we all know that [...]

How Not to Act2011-07-04T23:52:40-05:00

Going Up


From my point of view as an actor and producer, any show is a good show if the audience doesn't try to kill you and if you get the check. My favorite actor was killed by the audience and never got the check. Today, July 1, is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and [...]

Going Up2011-07-01T12:58:13-05:00

Removing my USCCB Rose Colored Glasses


This is good. Chrisopher Patrick, in a comment here, says to me ... " ... so much of your career is dependent upon Church sponsorship (do you think you'd have a gig on EWTN if you engaged in regular criticism of bishops who deserve to be criticized?) No one appears on EWTN TV or radio who [...]

Removing my USCCB Rose Colored Glasses2011-06-30T12:59:43-05:00

Not Built with a Full Deck


Back in January I blogged about things that are "fruit" or "unreal". This Unreality is related to the Catholic Ghetto, which I have written about at length. But you find Unreality all about you and not just in the pews. For example, most of my actors live Unreal lives. They loom large in their own minds [...]

Not Built with a Full Deck2011-06-30T12:58:27-05:00

Abortion in a Broader Context


Someone sent me this interview, and I think it's well worth reposting: Abortion Warns of Something Worse? Ethics Professor at Rome's Holy Cross University Discusses Humanity's Loss   ROME, JUNE 27, 2011 ( Abortion is a warning of something pervasive and deeply rooted in our society -- the loss of human identity, so that men and [...]

Abortion in a Broader Context2011-06-29T21:28:50-05:00

Liturgical Wars


Sophia Mason treads into the shooting range of the liturgical wars here and "tags" me in her post. Now I'm much more comfortable giving my opinion when it's not asked for, but I'll jump into this anyway. Sophia mentions her fondness for the "Latin Novus Ordo", more properly the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite untranslated. [...]

Liturgical Wars2011-06-27T13:05:20-05:00

Character and character


My wife Karen has begun to date other guys. I said, "What is this? You can't date other guys! You're my wife!" And she said, "No, as of today, Father's Day, I'm not your wife. I'm not MRS. O'Brien, you see, I'm MISS O'Brien, and as MISS O'Brien I can date whomever I choose!" Then she [...]

Character and character2011-06-20T13:21:09-05:00

The Revolution Continues


Last weekend my actors and I participated with Joseph Pearce in the Portsmouth Institute Conference as we performed scenes from Hamlet, with Joseph dissecting and commenting on the scenes, pointing out the Catholic theology and worldview behind them. (Pictured above - some of my cast and Joseph: moving around the table and starting left - Emily [...]

The Revolution Continues2011-06-16T20:21:29-05:00

The Feast of Chesterton


Today is the 75th Anniversary of the death of G. K. Chesterton. It is also Dale Ahlquist's birthday. Last year I came up with liturgical readings for what will one day be officially recognized as Chesterton's Feast Day. They are as follows:     1. JOB 19:23-27 Oh, that my words were now written! Oh, that [...]

The Feast of Chesterton2011-06-14T15:57:56-05:00
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