This is good. Chrisopher Patrick, in a comment here, says to me …

” … so much of your career is dependent upon Church sponsorship (do you think you’d have a gig on EWTN if you engaged in regular criticism of bishops who deserve to be criticized?) No one appears on EWTN TV or radio who is critical of bishops who fail to defend or teach the Faith. … Try removing your USCCB-issue rose colored glasses and see if the condition of the Church isn’t a good bit more dire than you are allowed to say (and keep your job).”

So now I understand a bit why people like Michael Voris’ video that I parodied here. They actually believe what he says, and they think that people like Mark Shea and I really somehow are “professional Catholics” on Church payrolls who are afraid to criticize bishops.

Well, I can’t convince people like Christopher Patrick that I’m not on some Church payroll somewhere, but I can do this:

Christopher, listen up!

MOST BISHOPS ARE FAILURES. Most bishops have abrogated their teaching authority and have allowed apostacy to run rampant in their dioceses. With few exceptions, Cardinal Burke being foremost among them, the bishops are more like lame administrators than they are heirs to the apostles.

THE CHURCH IN AMERICA IS A REAL MESS. I agree with Michael Voris’ general take on things – the liberals in particular have really messed things up. It is indeed “dire”, as you phrase it.

“THE USCCB IS AS USEFUL AS TEATS ON A BULL.” I’m quoting something a priest friend of mine once told me, and I agree completely.

THE PREACHING OF FR. CORAPI AND MUCH OF THE TEACHING OF MICHAEL VORIS IS SPOT ON, BOLD, FEARLESS, AND VERY MUCH NEEDED. This is why I am criticizing them both. They are too important to let them slip into the error of factionalism and disobedience without being called out for it.

Hope that helps.

We’re on the same team. Let us pray for one another.