
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Guy/Girl Thing


OK, there seems to be some confusion in Catholic circles about how to handle this whole thorny issue of dating and romance. As an expert on Life, a fully-fledge EWTN Matinee Idol, and as a man who has spent almost twenty years traveling the country with young actresses, I can help set a few things straight. LOVE AS A VOCATION [...]

The Guy/Girl Thing2010-08-18T11:23:07-05:00

The Chesterton Conference: An Insider’s Observation


Below Dena Hunt waxes joyful on the Chesterton Conference as an Outsider.  Allow me to do the same as an Insider. I have, in the past, written euphorically on the annual Chesterton Conference, and it's great to see others catching on and writing in the same tone.  Now that the conference is moving from town to [...]

The Chesterton Conference: An Insider’s Observation2010-08-16T15:14:25-05:00

Death and Dirt


To celebrate the Feast of Hilaire Belloc (July 16), I took a hike and almost died.  Story and photos here Belloc recounts in "The Path to Rome" his own providential escape from death while hiking in the Alps. He did not die in the mountains, but as an old man, on the Feast of Our Lady of [...]

Death and Dirt2010-07-21T13:36:17-05:00

Audio Books


I have just finished reading "Theophilos", a novel by Michael D. O'Brien, for Ignatius Press audio books.  This is the third novel I have performed by O'Brien.  I say "performed" because I do "dramatic readings" of the novels, changing my voice and portraying the different characters, and creating thereby something of a radio play. O'Brien's work is [...]

Audio Books2010-07-16T13:12:11-05:00

Facebook - the Abusive Wench


Facebook is like a tawdry skank you meet at a bar on a cold night in Laredo.  She lures you in and captivates you, and she shows you a good time on the wrong side of the tracks, but you’ll wake up in the morning heartbroken and deserted, your wallet missing and the taste of bad [...]

Facebook - the Abusive Wench2010-07-09T13:00:12-05:00

Merriment and Devotion


In researching a play I am writing on vocations, I have recently re-read the spiritual classic "A Right to Be Merry" by Mother Mary Francis (1921 - 2006), a Poor Clare born in St. Louis and cloistered in Roswell, New Mexico.  Back in the 1950's, she wrote a number of very good plays, some poetry and [...]

Merriment and Devotion2010-07-08T13:07:44-05:00

Slave Master


Here is a very interesting article on the scientific effects of pornography on the physical brain and brain chemistry: It’s important to remember that, while Catholics are not materialists, neither are we Gnostics. We do not believe that man is merely matter, any more than we believe that man only exists as disembodied spirit. The [...]

Slave Master2010-07-06T14:11:16-05:00

Portsmouth Conference


Last weekend I attended and performed at the second annual Portsmouth Institute Conference, at Portsmouth Abbey School near Newport, Rhode Island.  It was a tremendous experience.With over two hundred attendees, I was amazed that this was only the second year that Portsmouth Institute has sponsored such a thing.  The school is a Catholic co-ed boarding high [...]

Portsmouth Conference2010-06-19T01:05:20-05:00

Recording of “Macbeth”


I am not only the first actor in history to have played every part in a Shakespeare play, I am the first actor to have done it twice! I achieved this feat with the audio book version of "The Merchant of Venice - Ignatius Press Critical Edition"; and just last week did so again with the audio [...]

Recording of “Macbeth”2010-06-02T13:19:42-05:00

Newman’s Conversion - The Rest of the Story


So for nearly two months now I haven’t posted a thing at the Ink Desk.  I have a very good excuse – Theater of the Word Incorporated, my touring apostolate which evangelizes through drama, has produced 81 performances of 16 different scripts in 12 states since the first of the year.  I’ve been, you might say, [...]

Newman’s Conversion - The Rest of the Story2010-05-14T13:02:26-05:00
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