So for nearly two months now I haven’t posted a thing at the Ink Desk.  I have a very good excuse – Theater of the Word Incorporated, my touring apostolate which evangelizes through drama, has produced 81 performances of 16 different scripts in 12 states since the first of the year.  I’ve been, you might say, a tad busy.

I’m brimming with stuff to write about, as my only outlet has been making my keen and witty and insightful observations to my actors, who are pretty sick of me by now and who have had enough of all of the above.

But there’s always a new audience out there, if not an old one, so I’m back.

For now, let me encourage you to watch my appearance on EWTN’s program “The Journey Home”.  I portray Blessed Dominic Barberi, a Passionist priest who was the 19th Century Apostle to England and who personally received John Henry Newman into the Catholic Church.  EWTN is airing this episode of “The Journey Home” at various times all this week, but it can also be seen in its entirety here at EWTN’s youtube channel.

Barberi’s witness is fascinating and is really the untold story behind Newman’s conversion, the Catholic Literary Renaissance, and Pope Benedict’s vision for England today.  It’s well worth watching.