
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Christmas, Communion, “Seinfeld” and “The Office”


So this past Christmas the family get togethers were particularly trying.  You know what I mean.On Christmas Eve, the one branch of the family studiously avoided talking to me about anything at all that I do.  This is the nominally Catholic branch, the pro-abortion Catholic branch, the pro-perversion Catholic branch.  They are very successful, and some [...]

Christmas, Communion, “Seinfeld” and “The Office”2009-12-29T03:25:02-06:00

What I Learned in England


WHAT I LEARNED IN ENGLANDThis past week I was in England with actors and crew from my company and from Corpus Christi Watershed, as we filmed a short movie on the conversion of the Venerable John Henry Newman.  We were graciously granted access to Newman’s retreat house at Littlemore, near Oxford, administered by the delightful Sisters [...]

What I Learned in England2009-12-25T22:17:04-06:00

Censorship from Within


I am usually not a big booster of “Put Christ back into Christmas”.  Even de-Christianized Christmas is a magical time, as it was to me as an atheist before my conversion, and I figure if the secular Christmas (known as “The Holidays”) still manages to touch the hearts of the unwashed Pagans out there, fine.  We [...]

Censorship from Within2009-12-16T05:55:43-06:00

“Smelling the Ducks and Ducking the Smell”


I know I’m getting older for two reasons.  First, not only do I like Judge Judy, I now like the way she looks.  Second, for years I was a young Curmudgeon, but I have now passed beyond Curmudgeon to Crank.  You don’t hit Crank until you have the years to back it up.For example, I fired [...]

“Smelling the Ducks and Ducking the Smell”2009-12-07T14:29:01-06:00

World Record Holder


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves.  You are reading a blog post by THE FIRST ACTOR IN HISTORY TO PLAY ALL THE ROLES IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY.The play in question is The Merchant of Venice, in particular the audio version of the play as recorded this month for The Merchant of Venice – Ignatius Critical Edition.  Incidentally, [...]

World Record Holder2009-11-17T02:05:14-06:00

S.O.B – Saving Our Boat


I was sitting at the table with a number of priests, one of whom had had a tad too much to drink.  It was a fundraiser banquet for an orthodox Catholic cause, and most of the priests were rather stolid types.  I had just finished explaining the homily I had endured that day.  The Gospel reading [...]

S.O.B – Saving Our Boat2009-11-10T11:59:37-06:00

Cloning and Bad Homilies


I am convinced that cloning is in fact going on, and has been for many years.  For instance, the so-called “cantor” at most suburban Catholic parishes has been cloned.  I was on the road last week in the High Plains of Kansas and the cantor for Sunday Mass was the same cantor I’ve seen everywhere – [...]

Cloning and Bad Homilies2009-11-05T11:34:10-06:00

If “It’s a Wonderful Life” were made today …


GEORGE:  I’m gonna jump, I tell you!  I’m gonna jump!CLARENCE:  Don’t jump, George.  I’m Clarence, a benevolent illusion.GEORGE:  I thought you were my guardian angel.CLARENCE:  Who’s to say what I really am?  If it helps you personally to believe in angels, then fine, that’s what I am to you.  I might be something else to someone [...]

If “It’s a Wonderful Life” were made today …2009-10-28T12:01:13-05:00

Facebook Follies


After swearing off the Vast Vacuity that is Facebook  for some weeks, I am back on.  I still think there’s a way to make it worthwhile, perhaps by kicking off all the friends who are giving me grief – kind of like life.Anyway, I am learning from Facebook the appalling state of Reason in the post-modern [...]

Facebook Follies2009-10-26T10:45:31-05:00

Sterility can take many forms


First, there’s simply being too lazy or too preoccupied to produce anything.   This explains why, although Joseph Pearce cajoles his writers to blog regularly for The Ink Desk, I haven’t posted anything in over a month.  (Ha!  Little does Joseph know – writers are almost as unreliable as actors).But more seriously than this, there’s the deliberate [...]

Sterility can take many forms2009-10-10T16:05:36-05:00
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