
About robertasch

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So far robertasch has created 20 blog entries.

Stratford Caldecott


One of our own is dying. Stratford Caldecott - and his wife Leonie - have been with us since the beginning: since our first editorial meeting; since the idea of StAR was taking definitive shape as a nascent journal; and as friends of ours before StAR was anything at all.  Strat is a man of rare [...]

Stratford Caldecott2014-05-18T04:02:09-05:00

GKC and Lionel Johnson


Joseph’s quotation of “The Rolling English Road” in a letter which also touched on Lionel Johnson brought to my attention a remarkable constellation of Chestertonian references (whether discreet, unconscious, or coincidental who can say?) to Lionel Johnson’s death. You will remember the passage:   My friends, we will not go again or ape an ancient rage, [...]

GKC and Lionel Johnson2013-12-04T01:40:19-06:00

Renewal of Lost Innocence in Soho


If the heart of decadent London (now much as in the days of Ernest Dowson) is Soho, then the spiritual heart of Soho is St Patrick's, Soho Square ( Venerable Fulton Sheen was assistant pastor for a memorable spell here in the 1920s; it is now the apostolate of the great Fr Alexander Sherbrooke. I have [...]

Renewal of Lost Innocence in Soho2013-09-20T21:50:19-05:00

Joseph Bottum and ‘Gay Marriage’:


The formidable Edward Feser weighs in on Joseph Bottum and 'Gay Marriage':

Joseph Bottum and ‘Gay Marriage’:2013-08-28T17:29:12-05:00

Petition Against Redefinition of Marriage in England


Over 1000 British priests have protested - in an open letter to the Daily Telegraph - against the government's proposal to redefine marriage. The signatories include only four of our more than twenty active Bishops. This is a moment of great significance for the Church in England and Wales:

Petition Against Redefinition of Marriage in England2013-01-14T23:31:28-06:00

Hitchcock’s Catholic End


Below is a link to a Jesuit´s firsthand experiences of Alfred Hitchcock´s return to Catholic practice at the end of his life:

Hitchcock’s Catholic End2012-12-10T03:14:15-06:00

The Anchoress Weeps over the Knox Bible


Ronald Knox's achievement depends in no small degree on his astonishing translation of the Vulgate, which some - including Evelyn Waugh - have considered one of the landmarks of twentieth century English literature. It is certainly a great translation, in some of its strengths unique. I wouldn't be without it. And now, for the first time [...]

The Anchoress Weeps over the Knox Bible2012-10-24T13:31:41-05:00

Orwell Vetoed


No B.B.C. statue for George Orwell:

Orwell Vetoed2012-08-23T15:08:29-05:00

Lennon in America with a P.S. from Peter Hitchens


I don't wish to take issue with what's been said about the condition of Britain. It can't pain many people more than it pains me.  But remember, this has infected the mainstream everywhere in the West for some time and is being ceaselessly exported and reprocessed. I lived in Toronto on and off in the 70s [...]

Lennon in America with a P.S. from Peter Hitchens2012-08-16T15:57:47-05:00

Ink Desk on Europe


Negotiating a path through the turbulent waters of modern Europe can be a daunting task for anyone. In response to Joseph Pearce's last post, here is a supplementary list of books mostly on France, the Church and what Burke called 'The Armed Doctrine.' I hope you find them useful!General BackgroundChristopher Dawson: Understanding Europe (The best introduction [...]

Ink Desk on Europe2012-08-13T15:51:00-05:00
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