
About sophiamason

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So far sophiamason has created 67 blog entries.

I Thought I Wouldn’t Write a Post, but Then I Went to Mass


... and it came to my attention that it is the Feast of the Venerable Bede, and that demands acknowledgment!  (What, you don't use daily Mass as your saints' calendar too?) Bede is a Doctor of the Church (declared by Leo XIII in 1899), a monk who lived in England from about 673 to 735, during [...]

I Thought I Wouldn’t Write a Post, but Then I Went to Mass2012-05-25T19:32:38-05:00

My Train Hit a Deer Monday Morning


Monday was something of an adventure.  It started out with my dad and I standing on the platform waiting for our daily train; and the train was late.  Ten or fifteen minutes after the whistle should have blown, we heard it blowing … from the wrong direction.  The whistle coming from the wrong direction was soon [...]

My Train Hit a Deer Monday Morning2012-05-20T02:18:26-05:00

Saying the Black


Having written what I wrote last week, I should admit that I don't positively dislike the Tridentine Mass—I just prefer the Novus Ordo. That said, there are things about the TLM that I find … less than felicitous. The parts that are important can’t be heard, the parts that can be heard can’t be understood, and [...]

Saying the Black2012-05-16T11:37:46-05:00

Containing Multidudes


Since Dena and Joseph have taken the subject up ... due to our Fearless Leader's ... ... ahem, our Fearless Leader's insistence that he does support gay marriage (a fact which I think neither his supporters nor his opponents doubted for a moment), I interupt my research on TLMs and LNOs to bring us all back [...]

Containing Multidudes2012-05-10T19:28:08-05:00

Seeing Red


Repost from TGWWS.  I will give a prize* to anyone who fully comprehends the Chasuble reference. [*Not to be construed as meaning anything actually worth ... anything.] This is going to be an angry post.  If you’re already suffering from a tragical Tuesday, go read something uplifting instead.  Trust me, you’ll feel much better than if [...]

Seeing Red2012-05-08T15:22:33-05:00

St. George’s Day


When I started blogging, I chose St. George as the sort of unofficial patron (after Chesterton) of my blog; it is his picture that appears on the blog's main page.  It's the earlier, more dramatic of Raphael's two stabs (pardon the pun) at painting St. George and the Dragon.  The latter one, the one that more [...]

St. George’s Day2012-04-23T18:17:07-05:00

A Wee Bit More Arrogance


I hate to beat a dead horse, because I hate people who beat dead horses.  (Yes, I realize that's a lot of hate for one sentence.  Lent is almost over, right???)  So I feel it is incumbent upon me to mention, before the jump, that for anyone who got tired of the Merits of Philosophy ... [...]

A Wee Bit More Arrogance2012-03-30T14:31:52-05:00

Rally for Religious Freedom (Updated)


Has the HHS mandate got you upset?  I hope so.  I hope you haven't forgotten about it, just because the American mainstream media has.  Today, Friday the 23rd, in Washington, D.C., between noon and one p.m., Catholics and people of goodwill are standing outside the HHS building to express our disagreement with the mandate requiring that [...]

Rally for Religious Freedom (Updated)2012-03-23T13:09:39-05:00

Philosophy and The Invisible Things


… invisibilia enim ipsius a creatura mundi per ea quae facta sunt intellecta conspiciuntur sempiterna quoque eius virtus et divinitas ut sint inexcusabiles … (“For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they [...]

Philosophy and The Invisible Things2012-03-22T18:27:28-05:00

Women v. the HHS


Ten or twelve days ago I attended an absolutely amazing talk on the HHS mandate—a talk in which five Catholic women got together to discuss why exactly the Obama Administration's defense of the mandate as a "Women's Issue" made no sense.  Parts of that talk are now up on Youtube.  Here is one clip; if you [...]

Women v. the HHS2012-03-09T15:10:12-06:00
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