Back to Florida for the final stretch—my last semester of college! I love the Sunshine State, but it’s all so eerily familiar… reminds me of a recent Grinch-green Christmas back home in the Chicago suburbs. It seems like dear old Chicago got hit on the head too many times and forgot her name. She’s traded in her blustery blizzards and windstorms for a trendy “Global Warming Fanatic” banner, and now she’s trying to pass off as Sunshine City.

So I ditched that and arrived at Ave Maria earlier this week. I am proud to announce that my suitcase is unpacked and shoved behind the desk, and I’ve found a drawer, shelf, or corner under the bed for all of my belongings. Hold on, that last word did not deserve an “s” … not even half an “s.” Maybe a quarter? Speaking of which, I found a dime stuck to the grime in the mirror cabinet, compliments of a previous resident. That made my fortune swell up from a meager $6.90 (mostly coins), to an even $7! I’ve struck gold! Maybe I’ll plant it and see what I get (don’t tell my Econ professor). Anything is worth a try.

Yes, I am “one of those”—a procrastinating and impoverished college student. But I’m a lot of things. I’m size 9 in shoes, a wisdom teeth extraction survivor, the fifth daughter in a frilly family of twelve girls and two unfortunate boys, a hopeless addict to good literature, and most currently, an excited new member of the blogging team at The Ink Desk. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on life, literature, and the cultural revival, as well as receiving your feedback!