I’ve received an enquiry from someone who has recently started a book club with a group of non-Christians. He asked me for suggestions for books that would be good for such a group, i.e. classic literature without overt Christian preachiness. Here are my suggestions:

As for suggestions for your book club, I think you are on the right lines with the authors you mention. Anything by Dickens, Austen or Dostoyevsky would work. I would probably suggest A Tale of Two CitiesPride & Prejudice and Brothers Karamazov respectively. If Brothers K is considered too long, Crime & Punishment would substitute well. Other suggestions: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde, Joan of Arc by Mark Twain, anything by Sigrid Undset (Kristen Lavransdatter is best but perhaps too long, in which case Ida Elizabeth would work), The Betrothed by Manzoni.