Further to the earlier tribute to Ralph McInerny, here are the words of Bruce Fingerhut of the St. Augustine’s Press, the new publisher of StAR, who knew McInerny much better than I did:

Bruce Fingerhut (St. Augustine’s Press) writes: Ralph McInerny died early Friday morning, January 29, a day after the Feast of St. Thomas. It was, by all accounts, a happy death, serene and full of the acceptance that comes from a sure and strong faith. 

McInerny’s professional accomplishments are legendary: writing perhaps 125 books in philosophy, poetry, general fiction, and mysteries plus thousands of articles and translating dozens of books from several languages; editing three national magazines; starting an online university before they became passé; directing hundreds and hundreds of dissertations; heading two major centers in philosophy and medieval studies; winning awards in mystery writing and, finally, philosophy’s greatest award, the Gifford Lectures; all while being recognized worldwide as one of the foremost Thomist philosophers of our time.

His capacity for friendship was overwhelming, lavish, effortless. Giving of his time and treasure, his advice and encouragement, his affability and care was all part of being in the enormous circle of friends whom he helped and laughed with and counseled and prayed for. To be with him was to be happy.

He was outstanding in all the important roles of life: husband and father, friend and teacher, inspirer and witness, in love with God and truly love by God.