I’ve just finished writing a 9,000 word appendix for the new, expanded edition of my book, C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, which will be published to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of Lewis’s death on November 22, 1963. The appendix is entitled “C. S. Lewis and Catholic Converts” and details those well-known converts to Catholicism who were influenced on their paths to Rome by Lewis’s works.

I had initially intended that the appendix would be between 3,000 and 5,000 words but the sheer number of Lewisian converts forced me to keep writing. With the help of John Beaumont, a regular columnist for the St. Austin Review and author of Roads to Rome (St. Augustine’s Press), I accumulated evidence for Lewis’s role in the conversion of thirty-one prominent Catholics.

Here is the list of well-known converts whose stories are told in the appendix: 

British Converts:

Leonard Cheshire (war hero with the Dam Busters)

Michael Coren (author and TV talk show host)

Dom Bede Griffiths (author and mystic)

Fr. Ian Ker (theologian, biographer of Newman, Chesterton etc.)

William Oddie (journalist, biographer of Chesterton)

David Quinn (journalist)

Fr. John Redford (theologian, author)

George Sayer (friend and biographer of Lewis)

E. F. Schumacher (economist, author of Small is Beautiful)

Meriol Trevor (novelist, biographer of Newman)


North American Converts:

Frank Beckwith (author and apologist)

Mark Brumley (president and CEO of Ignatius Press)

Warren Carroll (historian, founder of Christendom College)

Ronda Chervin (author and philosopher)

Ross Douthat (New York Times columnist)

Walter Hooper (biographer of Lewis, editor of Lewis’s letters, etc.)

Thomas Howard (author)

Ian Hunter (philosopher, biographer of Malcolm Muggeridge)

Bobby Jindal (politician)

Peter Kreeft (philosopher, author) 

Al Kresta (radio talk show host, author)

Fr. Dwight Longenecker (author)

Jef Murray (artist, illustrator of Tolkien and Lewis)

Lorraine Murray (author, novelist)

Bernard Nathanson (former abortionist, author)

Kevin O’Brien (actor, writer, founder of Theatre of the Word) 

Carl Olsen (author, editor, artist)  

Richard Purtill (philosopher, author)

Thomas Storck (author)

Sheldon Vanauken (author)

Gene Wolfe (novelist, author)