I am grateful to Nancy Carpentier Brown of the American Chesterton Society for bringing my attention to a program on BBC radio in which I am interviewed alongside Lord Howe, the former Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom under Margaret Thatcher. It was originally broadcast many years ago and I’d forgotten all about it! As a point of fact, the BBC website is incorrect in stating that the program was first broadcast in 2007. It was, in fact, broadcast before I moved to the States in 2001. I suspect it was probably broadcast as early as 1999. As a further point of fact, I write about this program and Howe’s peculiar reading of The Napoleon of Notting Hill in an essay entitled “Fighting the Euro from Beyond the Grave: The Ghost of Chesterton Haunts Lord Howe”, published in my book, Literary Giants, Literary Catholics.

In any event, the program itself, which lasts fifteen minutes, will interest admirers of Chesterton and illustrates Chesterton’s posthumous opposition to the pernicious European Union: 
