The usually excellent George Rutler has written an alarming and alarmist post in today’s Crisis Magazine online:

Although I agree with Fr. Rutler’s overall analysis, it is an exaggeration to suggest that the outcome of one election is apocalyptic. It is also a trifle simplistic to refer to our present situation as “post-comfortable Christianity”. Christianity, fully lived and truly understood, is never comfortable. It involves the carrying of crosses and the willingness to lay down our lives for our friends. Whenever Christians become too comfortable, they tend to become corrupt, which is to say that they tend to become less Christian. The uncomfortable fact is that comfort and Christianity do not mix. A quick perusal of the work of Dante or Chaucer will show us what happens when Christians choose comfort instead of Christ as their Bridegroom.

And as for the abomination who is Obama, we have seen his ilk in the past. He and his kind come in many shapes and sizes: Herod, Henry VIII, Robespierre, Stalin, Hitler, et cetera, ad nauseam. Obama is not the first to seek to Crucify Christ and His Church and he won’t be the last.