Pursuant to an earlier post a few days ago (“Why I’m Opposed to the Environment”), I am once again struck by the depth of my naivete. In this morning’s headlines, I discovered that the huge pink-ribbon charity for breast cancer research (the Komen Foundation) has been in partnership with Planned Parenthood all along. It turns out that donations made to breast cancer research have been going to Planned Parenthood in the form of grants.

Obviously, I shouldn’t have been surprised, therefore, by the silence about the strong link between abortion and breast cancer. It wasn’t the link that bothered me—that’s not surprising—it was the charity’s silence about it. Now I know why no one ever mentioned it.

The headline says that the Komen Foundation has severed its partnership with PP (a partnership we didn’t know existed until now). The Foundation claims its action was caused by a “conservative” congressman’s investigation of PP’s public funding. Meanwhile, PP blames “conservative” pro-lifers for the Foundation’s decision. A heart-rending quote from a PP spokesman implies that the lack of a cure for breast cancer is the fault of “conservatives”. It apparently doesn’t occur to anyone to blame abortion for its breast-cancer consequences—the only authentic non-political, non-financial cause and effect relationship in the whole story—and the only one still not mentioned by anybody.