I’ve just responded to a correspondent who was enquiring about the best distributist texts to recommend to his students. He also asked for a good distribitust critique of economic liberalism. Here’s my response:
The essay by Chesterton is “Reflections on a Rotten Apple” from his book, The Well & the Shallows. The other books by GKC that you might consider using are The Outline of Sanity and What’s Wrong with the World. Belloc is, however, the Master in this respect. I would recommend his Servile State and his Essay on the Restoration of Property. 
For a text that discusses distributism from the perspective of an engagement with economic liberalism I would suggest Belloc’s Economics for Helen. For modern distributist engagements with economic liberalism I’d recommend Toward a Truly Free Market by John C. Medaille (ISI Books) and The Church and the Libertarian by Christopher A. Ferrara (Remnant Press).