As an Englishman in exile, it warms my heart to learn of good and noble efforts being made by English Catholics to evangelize England’s green and godless land. As such, I was very heartened to learn of Mary’s Dowry Productions, a film company started by two young Catholic women in Sussex, the English county in which Hilaire Belloc made his home and in which, upon his death, he no doubt left his heart. Indeed, I would warrant that the irrepressible Belloc has made himself an unofficial patron of this bold initiative by these two young women. Over the past few years, these dauntless damsels have produced film versions of the lives of several of the English saints and martyrs, including St. Edmund Campion, St. Nicholas Owen, St. Margaret Clitherow, and St. Anne Line. Belloc would indeed be pleased to see that there are still English Catholics willing to fight what Belloc himself called “the Tom fool Protestant history” that has blinded England to its own past. We wish every success to these latter day St Georginas and wish them every success in their battle against the dragon of secular fundamentalism. 

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