Following my comments regarding the monstrous European Union in the earlier post about the French edition of Small is Still Beautiful, I came across the following poignant quote from George Will in the latest issue of Chronicles:

“The EU has a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a president no one can name, a parliament (in Strasbourg) no one other than its members wants to have power, … a capital (Brussels) of coagulated bureaucracy no one admires or controls, … and rules of fiscal behavior no member has been penalized for ignoring.”

Will’s words are true but we should resist the tempation to treat the European Union as a laughing stock, as something not to be taken seriously. The tyrannical bureaucracy of the EU is unwanted, undemocratic, unrepresentative and unprincipled but none of these “weaknesses” prevent it from wielding real and destructive power. The government of the EU is as elusive as Orwell’s Big Brother and as pernicious.