Faith & Fairy Stories

The new issue of the St. Austin Review is winging its way to the printer. Highlights of the March/April issue include:

William Randall Lancaster illustrates and alliterates “Faith, Fact and Fairy Tale”.

Sean Fitzpatrick finds fact fusing with fantasy in “A Teacher’s Tale”.

Michael Kurek discusses the inspiration for his 2nd Symphony, “Tales from the Realm of Faerie”.

Jacob Pride finds “Beauty and the Beast: Fixed and Flowing”.

Maria Devlin McNair tells of “The White Knight at the Gate of the Elysian Fields”.

Jacob Popcak waxes aesthetic on “Fairy Stories and the Catholic Artist”.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker focuses on “C. S. Lewis and Modern Fairy Tales for Grown-Ups”.

Donald DeMarco insists that “Fairy Tales Can Come True”.

Kevin O’Brien considers “a Few of our Favorite Rings”.

Stephen Brady discovers the Tolkien: Maker of Myth Exhibition to be “Superbly Peripheral”.

K. V. Turley sees the movie The Red Shoes as a cautionary film about the perils of the artistic vocation.

Philip C. Kolin weaves “A Garland of Poems” on the Seven Sacraments.

Ken Clark admires The Taking of Christ by Caravaggio.

John Beaumont writes on “Newman and the Need for the Supernatural”.

Charles Maxwell Lancaster finds a “Friend Unfailing” in the Crucified Christ.

William C. Smart reviews Galileo Revisited: The Galileo Affair in Context.

Jason Waskovich reviews Doors in the Walls of the World by Peter Kreeft.

Marie Dudzik reviews Angels, Barbarians and Nincompoops by Anthony Esolen.

Louis Markos reviews George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles.

Plus: New poetry by Pavel Chichikov, Jeffrey Essmann, Trevor Lipscombe, Kevin O’Brien and Denise Sobilo.

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