Faith & Physics: Fr. LeMaître and the Big Bang

The new issue of the St. Austin Review is winging its way to the printers. This issue’s theme is “Faith & Physics: Fr. LeMaître and the Big Bang”. Highlights:

John Beaumont raises the curtain on the theme with an “Introduction to a Great Priest Cosmologist”.

Julio A. Gonzalo looks at “LeMaître, Einstein and the Birth of Modern Cosmology”.

Manuel Alfonseca compares “The Big Bang and Alternative Theories”, asking the question: “Did the Universe have a Beginning?”

John Farrell explains “How Georges LeMaître went Beyond the Event Horison”.

Lucia Guerra Menéndez focuses on “LeMaître on Cosmic Evolution”.

Stacy A. Trasancos asks: “Is the Big Bang Proof of God’s Existence?”

Rory O’Donnell discusses “Thomas Aquinas and the Dangers of Looking for God in the Big Bang”.

Donald DeMarco argues that behind the Big Bang is an intelligent being: In Principio erat Verbum.

Kevin O’Brien weighs the claims of science with the confusion of scientism: “The Big Bang or the Big Whimper?”

Fr. Dwight Longenecker examines “C. S. Lewis and the Fruits of Scientism”.

Mike Aquilina discovers “Excellence for God’s Glory” in the architecture of Henry Menzies.

Fr. Benedict Kiely asks a provocative question: “Is Nationalism a Sin?”

K. V. Turley relives Altamont ’69 with the Rolling Stones, finding “Too Much Sympathy for the Devil”.

Susan Treacy appreciates Michael Kurek’s new CD, admiring “A New Kind of Nashville Sound”.

James Bemis revisits the movie, Thérèse.

Matthew P. Akers reviews Conserving America? by Patrick J. Deneen.

Marie Dudzik reviews Monaghan: A Life by Joseph Pearce.

Stephen Brady reviews The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islamby Douglas Murray.

Carol Anne Jones reviews Issues of the English Reformation by Peter Milward, SJ.

Joseph Pearce remembers the late Peter Milward, SJ.

Plus new poetry by Mike Aquilina, Wendy Gist, James Skene and Nicholas Zinos.

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