Question: When is a Catholic not a Catholic?

Answer: When he’s a cafeteria Catholic.


Question: Why is a cafeteria Catholic not a real Catholic?

Answer: Because a real Catholic is one who believes what the Catholic Church believes.


Question: Is Nancy Pelosi a real Catholic?

Answer: Of course not!


Question: What can be done with the cafeteria Catholics who sow confusion amongst Catholics by their claiming to be Catholic?

Answer: Soon it will not be necessary to do anything with them because they will leave the Church of their own accord.


Question: Why do you think they will leave the Church?

Answer: Because they have always followed fashion and the spirit of the age and will turn their back on the Church when the Church is seen to be unfashionable and at war with the spirit of the age.


Question: How can you be sure that the cafeteria Catholics will desert the Church in favour of whatever is fashionable in the modern culture?

Answer: Because the worldly minded always choose the Zeitgeist over the Heilige Geist.


Question: Won’t the Church be weakened if so many former Catholics stop going to Church?

Answer: It will certainly appear so, at least at first, and we can be sure that the secularist media will forecast the imminent destruction of the Church and the end of its influence.


Question: Won’t the media be right?

Answer: In the longer term, they will be absolutely wrong.


Question: Why?

Answer: Because the Church will be comprised of real Catholics who really believe what the Church believes.


Question: So?

Answer: So the Church will speak with one voice and in a spirit of unity which is not possible when modernist voices spread discord and division.


Question: But how can a smaller Church have any real influence? 

Answer: Because it will be seen as a refuge of sanity and sanctity when the madness of secularism and its culture of death begin to fall apart.


Question: What makes you so sure that secularism will fall apart?

Answer: Because its self-centeredness is self-consuming.


Question: How? Why?

Answer: Because a lower birth rate coupled with higher debt and a burgeoning welfare system is doomed to collapse under the weight of a shrinking and aging population. This would be the case without the unraveling of the myopic rush towards globalism. The collapse of globalism combined with the collapse in the birthrate means the collapse of secularism and its culture of death. Decadence decays and eventually falls apart!


Question: But in the meantime?

Answer: We will bid a happy farewell to the fair-weather Catholics and brace ourselves for the storm that precedes the resurrection of the Church.