I have a very exciting week in store, which I hope and pray will bear great fruit. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I will be filming two “Catholic Courses” (www.catholiccourses.com). The first will be an eight lecture series on “The Thought of G. K. Chesterton” and the second will be an eight lecture series on “The Catholicism of The Hobbit”. I’m very excited by the prospect of filming both courses and hope you will consider purchasing one or other, or both, of them when they are released later this year. On Thursday morning, I fly to Reno, Nevada for the National Chesterton Conference. I’m giving a talk on “The Humour and Humility of Chesterton” on Thursday evening, and leading a discussion on “The Thought of Chesterton” on Saturday. It’s not too late to register for this conference. For details, please see my post of a few days ago.
With the frenetic nature of my schedule over the next week, it’s possible that I might not be able to post to the Ink Desk as often as I would like. If this is so, I hope you will forgive my absence and I hope and trust that my colleagues will keep the Ink Desk bubbling with exciting and controversial posts in my absence.