On this feast day of the great St. George, I’d like to pay tribute to England’s greatest writer. Isn’t it astonishing that the great Bard of Avon was born and died on the feast day of England’s patron saint? There was only one chance in 365 that he would be born on St. George’s Day, and only one chance in 365 that he would die on St. George’s Day. According to my calculations, the chances of anyone being born and dying on Saint George’s Day are an astronomically unlikely 133,000 to one. If I was as credulous as Richard Dawkins, I’d call it a remarkable coincidence; as I’m not as credulous as Dawkins I consider it a great blessing that God has blessed England by giving her Shakespeare on the feast of her patron saint, and by taking him to His bosom on the same significant date. Deo gratias!