Visitors to the Ink Desk will know that I’ve been working with Emblem Media on several projects related to Francis Thompson’s masterpiece, “The Hound of Heaven”. I travelled with the film crew to England in January to film a half-hour documentary on Thompson’s life, serving as historical consultant and being interviewed on camera. I’ve also been involved to a lesser degree in offering feedback on the other “Hound of Heaven” related projects that Emblem Media has been producing, including an animated film that dramatizes a modern adaptation of the poem. Now, I’m pleased to announce the release of the video of a four-minute song based on the poem. The connection with Thompson’s poem will be more immediately evident if the poem is read before watching the video or if the video of the modern adaptation is watched first. Either way, the song, inspired by one of the greatest Christian poems ever written, is well worth hearing in its own right. Here ’tis: