I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After two frenetic months of manic activity and almost ceaseless travelling, I can sense a respite on the horizon.  Apart from speaking at a homeschooling conference in Charlotte, NC, on Saturday May 25 (which is, in any case, only a two hour drive from my home), I have no other speaking engagements until June 7. 

Last weekend I was at a homeschooling conference in Lafayette, Louisiana, one of my favourite parts of the country. I sampled southern hospitality and cajun cooking, the latter of which included deep-fried oysters and alligator legs. I also had a taste of home cooking when a teenage homeschooler brought me some home-baked English-style scones. They were truly scrumptious and reminded me of my home across the Water.

Returning home to South Carolina, I have also returned home to England this week. Perhaps I should clarify. I returned home to South Carolina in the present, sharing time and space with my family, but I have simultaneously returned home to the England of my past. I am presently writing a full-length book on my conversion to Catholicism, which is provisionally titled, “Race with the Devil: A Journey from Racial Hatred to Rational Love”. I am almost finished. Yesterday I found myself back in prision with my former self, serving a twelve month sentence for “hate crimes”. Thankfully, a twelve month sentence, when revisited in the memory, only lasts a few hours of written reminiscing.

Today I am released from prison but embark upon one of the darkest and unhappiest years of my life, a chapter of my past which will form a chapter in my book entitled “The Gutter and the Stars”.

I hope to finish the book within the next few days. Perhaps I might request the prayers of all Ink Deskers that I can glorify God in the writing of my story.