As an Englishman, I am passionate about football, i.e. soccer to those on the American side of the Pond. Ever since I was about seven-years-old, I’ve been a keen supporter of Chelsea, currently one of the best teams in Europe, though I’ve followed the team through the bad times when the team plumbed depths of ineptitude. One of Chelsea’s biggest rivals are Manchester United, also known as the Red Devils, indicative no doubt of their infernal origins. In any event, I was greatly intrigued and encouraged to see that a former Manchester United player is now studying for the priesthood. It goes to show that there is life after death! Here’s the article:

Former Manchester Utd player swaps Old Trafford for the Vatican

The shocking story of Phil Mulryne, the former Manchester United footballer who is training to become a priest, to the great surprise of a former teammate

Mauro Pianta,

He has played alongside football champions such as David Beckham and Ryan Giggs, wearing the stripes of a top football team like Manchester United. During his football playing days he even dated supermodel Nicola Chapman and certainly lived the fast life. Today, however, 34 year old Phil Mulryne from Ireland, whose career was cut short by an injury in 2008, is undergoing a somewhat different type of “training”. The former midfielder is studying. Studying to become a priest. He has enrolled at the Pontifical Irish College in Rome.

The Catholic Herald reported a statement by former Norwich teammate, Paul Mc Veigh who met Mulryne in Rome: “When I arrived in Rome, I was met by a very contented-looking Phil who took me back to the Irish college where he was to be based for the next four years.” “I know for a fact that this is not something he took lightly as the training to be ordained as a Catholic priest consists of a two-year philosophy degree, followed by a four-year theology degree and only after that will he finally be qualified as a priest… it was a complete shock that he felt this was his calling.” In an interview with a British newspaper, Mulryne’s mother said her son’s choice to follow his vocation was a “big decision.”

The footballer turned his life around after the injury which put an end to his football career. His friendship with Noel Treanor, the bishop of the Diocese of Down and Connor, in Northern Ireland, was fundamental during that difficult period. It was Treanor who got him involved in charity work and helped him make this life changing decision. Mulryne’s got the ball now and this time he’s heading for the Vatican.