I’m in the midst of possibly the busiest speaking schedule I’ve ever undertaken. I returned from giving the keynote speech at a fundraising dinner for the JMJ Pregnancy Center in Orlando yesterday. Here’s my schedule for the next two weeks. If I’m coming to your area, I hope you will be able to come and meet me. It’s always a pleasure to meet Ink Deskers on my travels.
Thursday, February 13, 7 pm – Legatus Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas. Topic: Race with the Devil
Friday, February 14, 3 pm – University of Dallas, Texas. Topic: Shakespeare on Love
Saturday, February 15, evening – Our Lady of Peace, Santa Clara, California. Topic: Race with the Devil
Monday, February 17, 6:30 pm – Westminster Academy, Memphis, Tennessee. Topic: A Matter of Life & Death: The Battle for a True Education
Thursday, February 20, 7 pm – Oakland, California. Topic: Literary Giants, Literary Catholics
Friday, February 21, 6 pm – Oakland, California. Topic: C. S. Lewis & the Joyful Intellect
Saturday, February 22, 11 am – The Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland. Topic: Narnia & Middle-earth: When Two Worlds Collude
Saturday, February 22, 1:30 pm – The Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland. Topic: Christianity and Narnia
Saturday, February 22, 6 pm – St. Margaret Mary Church, Oakland. Topic: C. S. Lewis & the Catholic Church